About us

Stone, Marble, Granite, Quartz, Slate, Basalt ...
Floors, walls, stairs, worktops, countertops vanity, sinks and bathtubs.
Between Toulon and Hyeres, South FRANCE, Marbrerie de La Crau offers a workshop of 500sqm, 100sqm of office and showroom, on a site of 1500sqm.
Marbrerie de La Crau performs luxury villas or apartments, and retail stores around the world for LVMH Group.
Quality of work, materials selection, and service are the three pillars of our philosophy.
Our Job

Interior and exterior paving
The supply, delivery, installation, sanding and treating your natural stone floors are covered by our services are covered by a ten year guarantee.

Kitchen and bathroom
After a survey of measurement on site, your worktops, vanity, or other custom elements are entirely manufactured in our workshop. We also take care of installation and handling.